The Power to Predict
With the ultimate long-range view, the EEC S-Band radar gives you the ability to plan, predict and protect – before severe weather strikes. This massive power makes our S-Band systems ideal for covering huge expanses of land and water, analyzing multiple fronts of heavy precipitation.
Monsoons. Hurricanes. Cyclones. Blizzards. To make the best long-range predictions of the biggest weather makers, you need to have the biggest radar with the lowest attenuation. Both the Magnetron-powered and Klystron-powered Defender S series are designed and engineered with an output of 850kW to 1000kW - more radiated power than any other commercially available S-Band weather radar!
Coupled with our super-sensitive IQ2 digital receiver and signal processor for precise data processing, these towering S-Band systems are the best choice for a clean and true picture of multiple, long-range, intense weather phenomena.
Additionally, our turnkey design, manufacturing, and installation processes allow us to configure your S-Band radars to meet your specifications. Among the many options are single or dual-polarity transmitters and a variety of full-featured control and display systems. You can even choose the type of installation and radome that best fits your environmental needs.
In 2016, EEC became the world’s first weather radar solutions provider to manufacture and deliver a high-frequency S-Band weather radar system. The Defender SK1000H is powered by a 1-megawatt Klystron transmitter and comes standard with dual-polarization capabilities. By operating in the higher end of the S-Band frequency spectrum, 3.5-3.6 GHz, the Defender SK1000H allows users to capitalize on all the advantages of an S-Band weather radar at a much lower price-point. Here’s how it works...
Achieving a beam width less than 1 degree is the "gold standard" by which any weather radar system is measured. Such a beam width speaks to the quality of the antenna and the overall accuracy of the system. A typical S-Band radar system operates in the 2.7 – 3.0 GHz frequency range using an 850kW Klystron transmitter. In order to attain a beam width less than 1 degree, you need a 28-ft (8.53m) antenna. Such a large antenna requires an even larger radome; 40-42-ft (12.2 – 12.8m). All of these large components come with large costs. Additionally, civil works must account for these massive, heavy parts.
The Defender SK1000H operates in the 3.5 – 3.6 GHz range of the S-Band frequency. This means that in order to attain a beam width that is less than 1 degree, you only require a 20-ft (6.09m) antenna. Since the antenna is smaller, so is the radome; 30-ft (9.14m). This, combined with reduced civil works and life-cycle maintenance costs, result in a savings of at least $500,000 as compared to standard frequency S-Band systems! The Defender SK1000H also provides for 250kW more power than a standard S-Band system. EEC’s high-frequency S-Band radar does all this while maintaining the same performance statistics as a standard frequency S-Band system; no impact to sensitivity or detection range. The Defender SK1000H is the perfect combination of S-Band radar performance at an economical price.
Over 15 years ago, EEC pioneered dual-polarity radar. Today, both of our S-Band models are available with either EEC's industry-standard single-polarization or with our new, highly advanced dual-polarization system, incorporating features that are years ahead of anything else on the market.
Working with world-renowned experts and the University of Oklahoma, we have developed better algorithms and end-to-end dual-polarization measurements. This not only results in more accurate estimates of rainfall, but also provides better discrimination between different types of precipitation and non-meteorological signals, such as birds, insects, dust storms, or even an approaching tornado's debris field.
We have also developed proprietary technology to significantly improve clutter suppression performance in our popular and dependable Magnetron systems. The final result is obvious – EEC dual-polarity systems provide the highest resolution data available in the industry.
The Global Choice for Protection
For geographic areas with diverse and dynamic weather conditions, nothing offers greater value for the money than EEC's line-up of popular Defender Series C-Band weather radars. The choice of weather services, national governments, broadcasters, and businesses around the world, EEC can custom configure a C-Band solution for almost every need.
For most areas of the world, nothing offers a better value than the proven line-up of C-Band radar systems from EEC. Even in challenging environments, our C-Band systems provide powerful and accurate information. Perhaps most importantly, the specifications of our C-Band radars can be customized to meet a wide range of demands and uses.
DEFENDER C250, CK250, C350:
With years of innovation and refinement behind them, the EEC 250kW and 350kW C-Band radars are now among the most popular radars in the world. Thanks to their perfect balance of power and effective range, these systems have evolved to become the ideal choice for customers with a diverse set of weather detection demands. You can choose to equip them with either reliable magnetrons or klystrons and in either single or dual-polarity configurations.
The idea behind the ingenious Defender C500 is simple: If 250kW is the most popular, most practical single-pole configuration; then the best configuration for dual-polarity applications should be 250kW of power delivered in both the horizontal and vertical plane. Developed specifically for the most effective dual-polarization performance, this 500kW magnetron system is the radar for both today’s needs and tomorrow’s technology.
The most powerful C-Band in use, with an incredible 1MW of power, the Defender C1000 is the choice of local and national TV broadcasters looking for that extra edge in weather detection. Utilizing this powerful system broadcasters can now detect, depict and warn viewers of approaching severe weather while providing a dramatic and visually stunning data display.
The Total Package:
With any EEC C-Band radar, our turnkey design, manufacturing, and installation processes allow us to configure your system to your exact specifications. Among the many options are single or dual-polarity transmitters and a variety of full-featured control and display systems. For a clean and true picture of mid to long range weather events, we will match your EEC C-Band system with the precise Doppler processing of our super-sensitive IQ2 signal processor and digital receiver. You can even choose the installation and radome that best fits your environmental needs.
EEC is proud to introduce Endurance C, our fully solid-state C-Band radar product line. Endurance C systems provide for ultra-wideband performance and low life-cycle costs thanks to advanced solid-state power amplifiers operating in the widest C-Band frequency range available. For geographic areas with diverse and dynamic weather conditions, nothing offers greater return on your investment than the Endurance C.
For most areas of the world, nothing offers a better value than the proven line-up of C-Band radar systems from EEC. Even in challenging environments, our C-Band systems provide powerful and accurate information. Perhaps most importantly, the specifications of our C-Band radars can be customized to meet a wide range of demands and uses.
EEC’s solid-state Endurance C-Band radars are the most advanced weather radar systems in the world. Thanks to their perfect balance of power and effective range, these systems are the ideal choice for customers with a diverse set of weather detection demands. You can choose to equip them in either single or dual-polarity configurations.
With any EEC C-Band radar, our turn-key design, manufacturing, and installation processes allow us to configure your system to your exact specifications. Among the many options are single or dual-polarity transmitters and a variety of full-featured control and display systems. For a clean and true picture of mid to long range weather events, we will match your EEC C-Band system with the precise Doppler processing of our super-sensitive IQ2 signal processor and digital receiver. You can even choose the installation and radome that best fits your environmental needs.
EEC’s Defender X-Band weather radar system is ideal for short and medium applications that require any combination of accuracy, mobility, and of course, reliability.
EEC's shorter wavelength X-Band weather radar can detect even tiny particles, such as high altitude water droplets or light snow. The compact size of this complete X-Band system makes it the perfect choice for portable applications and "filling-in" geographical areas that S-Band and C-Band skip over. Dual-polarity capabilities are standard features for this system.
Powering its 200kW output with dependable magnetron technology, EEC’s Defender X200 is the accurate and reliable workhorse of X-Band; used all over the world for mobile research and in permanent installations. Configuring a Defender X200 system to your exact specifications is simplified with our turn-key design, manufacturing, and installation processes. Our many options include a variety of full-featured control and display systems, and precise data processing through our super-sensitive IQ2 digital receiver and signal processor.
Dual-Polarization – The Future is Here Today
Over 15 years ago, EEC pioneered dual-polarity radar. Today, our Defender X200 radar comes with a new, highly advanced dual-polarization system incorporating features that are years ahead of anything else on the market.
Working with world-renowned experts and the University of Oklahoma, we have developed better algorithms and end-to-end dual-polarization measurements. This not only results in more accurate estimates of rainfall, but also provides better discrimination between different types of precipitation and non-meteorological signals such as birds, insects, dust storms, or even the debris field of an approaching tornado.
We have also developed proprietary technology to significantly improve clutter suppression performance in our popular and dependable Magnetron systems. The final result is obvious – EEC dual-polarization systems provide the best weather detection capability in the industry today.
The new era of X-Band is here! Everything you want in an X-Band is in EEC's new Ranger weather radar system. The Ranger system features dual-polarity accuracy, solid-state transmitters, and low power consumption, all in one affordable and portable unit.
Operating on the shorter X-Band wavelength, EEC's Ranger weather radars have dual-polarity built-in so they can detect even tiny particles, such as high altitude water droplets or light snow at short to mid-range distances. The Ranger's compact size means you can install it in a hard-to-reach permanent location or take it almost anywhere, anytime as a truly portable unit. And with a very affordable price, EEC's new Ranger is the ideal solution for everything from small airports to offshore oil platforms to rapid deployment military maneuvers.
This is what X-Band should be! Developed by EEC in collaboration with the prestigious Advanced Radar Research Center at the University of Oklahoma, the affordable Ranger-X1 is a compact system weighing less than 430 lbs/195kg yet featuring a 100-watt dual-polarity, advanced solid-state transmitter and very low power consumption.
Whether you choose the Ranger-X1 or Ranger-X5 with more radiated power, EEC's turnkey design, manufacturing, and installation processes allow us to configure your system to your exact specifications. Among the many options are a variety of full-featured control and display systems, and precise Doppler processing through our super-sensitive digital receivers. You can even choose permanent or mobile installation options.
Dual-Polarization – The Future is Here Today
Over 15 years ago, EEC pioneered dual-polarity radar. Today, all of our Ranger models are equipped with our new, highly advanced dual-polarization system incorporating features that are years ahead of anything else on the market.
Working with world-renowned experts and the University of Oklahoma's Advanced Radar Research Center, we have developed better algorithms and end-to-end dual-polarization measurements. This not only results in more accurate estimates of rainfall, but also provides better discrimination between different types of precipitation and non-meteorological signals, such as birds, insects, dust storms, or even the debris field of an approaching tornado.
We have also developed proprietary technology to significantly improve clutter suppression performance in our popular and dependable solid-state systems. The final result is obvious – EEC dual-polarity systems provide the highest resolution data available in the industry.
The IQ2-RSP employs cutting edge hardware and software technology to achieve the highest weather radar data resolution and system control accuracy.
The IFD supports Digital Automatic Frequency Control (DAFC). The frequency of the IF is no longer controlled by adjusting the STALO frequency, the input frequency of the 4-data channels is now adjusted to match the IF frequency while supporting traditional AFC control.
Making it easy to extract, display, and interpret useful weather information in ways that you never thought possible - that's the whole idea behind our powerful suite of weather radar control and data display software.
Powerful Tools Give You New Ways To Look At The Weather
When you take control of EEC's display software, you have the power to easily do what you have always wanted to do: observe and interpret phenomena previously hidden within the data. Set alerts to automatically warn when certain conditions are detected. Animate and manipulate data to compare different "what-if" scenarios. Organize and retrieve all of your information through a built-in database management system. Plus many more sophisticated meteorological products.
Our software is both powerful and easy to use because, like all of our other products, it is designed and created by EEC's own engineers. Since it interfaces seamlessly with our processors and displays, our engineers can build in the most powerful and comprehensive set of features for weather analysis possible – even include custom algorithms tuned for each radar band we manufacture. With unmatched flexibility and ease of use, an entire suite of specialized products, and seamless integration into all EEC systems, our display software puts you in control.
An EEC weather radar system is a powerful and precise instrument. To achieve its maximum potential, it needs to be sited and installed correctly and staffed with well-trained personnel.
EEC will guide you through the process, providing comprehensive site surveys and full installation services anywhere in the world.
We will also train your key personnel to make the most of your system's capabilities with customized training either on-site or at our facility.
Automatically integrate multiple geostationary satellite images to create a global composite.
EEC's Global Mosaic imagery displays the global nature of storms and cloud systems with a complete and up-to-date visual of weather patterns, automatically composited from multiple image sources.
Geostationary satellite data is available from a number of sources on the internet and via direct broadcast groundstations. But, the data is in different formats and different resolutions, and access requirements vary widely from one supplier to another. Our Global Mosaic software automatically ingests data from these various locations and re-formats them to a common format.
The images are seamlessly joined to produce an integrated, composite image. Different resolutions and color shadings are adjusted to create a single, consistent image. The image is updated automatically, producing an animated, constantly changing view of the weather systems on the entire earth.
Are You Ready For Himawari-8?
Himawari-8 dissemination ushers in a new era of Mesoscale Meteorology with more channels and more frequent observations. The eTelecast Himawari-8 ground station from EEC has the required new hardware and updated software for you to maximize the potential of Himawari-8 data products.