For the determination of the direction and the velocity of the wind in certain air layers by angle measurements in constant time intervals. Very bright bent axis main tracking telescope with coated optics, magnification 16x or 20x, field of view 55,6 m /1000m (16x)/27,8 m (20x), fix-focus system, objective aperture 48 mm, open sights and open finder telescope for rough aiming. There are two vertical circles and an adjustable horizontal circle with two diametric opposite horizontal circle readings, Ø 142 mm, reading 0,1°, Ø vertical circle 128 mm, reading 0,1°, illumination of field of view and circle reading positions, for ease of tracking the balloon all movements are friction-controlled by endless worm drive screws.
For the determination of direction and velocity of the wind in different heights by angle measurements at predetermined time intervals. Instrument equipped with electronic angle encoders (resolution 0, 1°) interface RS 232 with rechargeable battery pack for online data-transmission onto a PC and data recording software. Wide angle eyepiece, extremely bright, bent axis type main tracking telescope. Magnification 16x or 20x, fixfocus, aperture 48 mm, open sights to quickly find ascending balloon. Rotable horizontal circle (Ø 142 mm) with 2 diametrically opposite reading positions, vertical circle (Ø 128 mm). Vernier reading to 0,1° and reticule illumination. For ease of tracking the balloon all movements are frictioncontrolled by endless wormdrive screws.