Earth Networks Lightning Detection Provides: Advanced Severe Weather Prediction and Alerting
The Earth Networks Total Lightning NetworkTM (ENTLN) incorporates patent-pending systems and technology to provide unmatched in-cloud and cloud-to-ground lightning detection. It is the first in-cloud (IC) lightning and cloud-to-ground (CG) detection network deployed on a global basis capable of detecting long range in-cloud lightning at high efficiencies critical for the advanced prediction of severe weather phenomena such as:
Earth Networks ,USA were the first to realize the importance of in-cloud lightning detection. Our high detection efficiency of in-cloud strikes enable improved lead times for severe weather warnings and lightning alerts. We are one of the only networks to use total lightning detectors.
Total Lightning Sensors.Proprietary lightning sensor technology Deadly weather events often occur within 5 to 30 minutes of in-cloud flash initiation. The proprietary sensor technology used by our Total Lightning Network significantly improves severe weather warning times by up to 30 minutes or more.
Eliminate weather-related second guessing with unmistakable horn and strobe lightning alert system. Move employees and/or clients to safety automatically and let them know when they can resume activities with an "all-clear" signal.